Communication & Cutural Diversity: FCGP- student video

Accessing Information

Accessing Information by Clint Hamada shared on Flickr CC .Quote from Embracing Wikipedia.

How to distill information & get feedback

As part of the Flat Connections Global Project my students have to create a video, part of which has to be outsourced to a partner from another classroom. This co-creation task using online communication media offers a unique opportunity for students to use technology to express their ideas and to co-create with a partner from another culture on a real issue from The Horizon Report.

This post is an outline of learning using Design Thinking to

Design Thinking

Flat Connections Design Thinking

support students in their video creation. To think about success criteria, formulating focus questions and filtering their research information.


  • Look at your shared research in your Ning learning Community, the Wiki and your shared Team Google doc.
  • Think about your team partners and how they could best contribute to your video in the outsource request.

Define-What is Success Criteria?

  • Read the rubric: What is your workflow?
  • View the winning videos from the 2014-1 Project and the 3013 Project.
  • Select one video and apply the rubric success criteria. Why do you think it won? Can you tell which section was outsourced?
  • Watch my PowToon interactive YouTube. What helpful feedback would you give me? (Refer to the rubric.)
  • Watch my iMovie and give me helpful feedback.  (Refer to the rubric.)
  • With a partner discuss which video best met the success criteria in the rubric.

Ideate – What could your video look like?

  • What type of video will you create?
  • What video creation tool can you use? PowerPoint, iMovie, Animoto, PowToons, VideoScribe?
  • How much information can you fit in? Will you have narration?
  • Can you use images and headings to convey meaning?
  • How best can you engage your audience with your message? Through your voice or by using headings and images?
  • Where can you find CC images and music to support your ideas?
  • How will you organise and sequence your information? Will you have a story? Have a look at how I organised my iMovie in this Google doc.
  • Open the Google Presentation for some getting started ideas.

Prototype: Video Planning

Techno-personal communication

Flat Connections p66

Creating videos is using technology to empower communication.  Meaning can be added to the communication—through voice inflection, images, headings, placement and sequencing of the story.

  • Choose either a mind-map, drawing, table,  dot points or storyboard to draft your video.
  • How will you use a title or focus question to refine and distill the information in your video?
  • What tenor will you take? Formal or informal language. How will you responsibly use technology to communicate?
  • Check your plan against the rubric.


  • Get feedback from the class. Ask for helpful advise about the following: Have you got an eye-catching title or focus question? How will you hook your audience? Are your images engaging? Have you got CC images and the MLA citation?
  • Make helpful comments using the success criteria in the rubric

Learning is an experience

My participation in the Flat Connections Educator Course, was the reason for me to also make videos on the Horizon Report. It was this video creation learning experience that made me aware of the cognitive process involved in video making. Skills such as categorising and organising a flow of information. Precise selection of vocabulary to concisely impart meaning and how to effectively use images or animated script as in PowToons.  The narration for my iMovie took time to be expressive and to match the timing of the video sections. Most importantly, there was also the awareness of being a global citizen and carefully selecting CC images.

Mastery is an ongoing process. It’s organic and perishable. The world vibrates; data is dynamic and alive and turns over on itself constantly like an restless, sleeping animal.

Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information.  Terry Heick


Julie Lindsay Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at aTime. Published by Pearson, 2012. (co-authored with Vicki Davis, co-founder with Julie of FlatClassroom Projects).

Watch Austin’s Butterfly to see effective feedback.

Rushton Hurley’s Presentation on Flat Connections for responsible image sourcing and the importance of  making short videos and ‘distilling’ information.

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